Shenzhen Huafukang Supply Chain Co., Ltd
Established in 2015
Service Network
The proportion of revenue from overseas procurement business
Revenue proportion of import and export agency business

Huafukang Supply Chain is a professional import and export supply chain management company, established in 2015 with a registered capital of 150 million yuan, located in the financial center of Futian District, Shenzhen. We have established five international procurement centers globally, including Hong Kong, Tokyo, Paris, Frankfurt, and New York. We also have our own warehouses and logistics in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, with 24-hour access to most large and medium-sized cities across the country upon entry. Huafukang provides comprehensive supply chain management solutions including supply chain management consulting, distribution supply chain, supply chain finance, procurement supply chain, and high-end manufacturing supply chain customization. Since its establishment, Huafukang has adhered to the business philosophy of "supply chain service industry chain, creating value chain", and has served more than 7000 customers in total. We have leading advantages in the fields of electronic manufacturing, new energy, and artificial intelligence.

The company was awarded the "2022 Shenzhen Top 500 Enterprises"
The company relocated to a 1000 square meter full floor office building
Received the title of "Top 500 Modern Service Industry Enterprises in Guangdong Province in 2018"
The supply chain management system is officially launched and running
Successfully formed a professional and high-quality management team
Shenzhen Huafukang Supply Chain Co., Ltd. Established
The company successfully co hosted the "2023 First International Cooperation and Development Forum on Data Trade Circulation"

Settle in the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor in the Yangtze River Delta

1. Huafukang Compliance Senior Management Commitment

At Huafukang, our management team firmly adheres to the core values of "integrity-based, compliance first", regards compliant operation as the cornerstone of enterprise survival and development, and fully complies with the laws and regulations of various jurisdictions. We firmly believe that building a sound and efficient compliance management system requires not only continuous resource investment to align with industry best practices, but also the integration of compliance concepts into every business operation and process, ensuring that the five streams (logistics, commercial flow, capital flow, information flow, value-added flow) integrated service model operates within a legal and compliant framework. We are committed to cultivating a culture of integrity within the company, encouraging every employee to become an advocate and practitioner of compliance culture, ensuring that business ethics and integrity standards are internalized and externalized in practice, from management to grassroots employees.         


2. Huafukang's compliance management system

Organizational structure: Establish a compliance management department that reports directly to the board of directors to ensure the effective implementation of compliance strategies. Risk assessment and response mechanism: Combining legal and supply chain characteristics, Huafukang identifies risks in advance and implements dynamic assessment. Using data analysis tools to locate risk points, taking preventive measures and response strategies. Training and awareness enhancement: Emphasize the cultivation of employee compliance awareness, and ensure that each employee understands and practices their personal and corporate compliance responsibilities through comprehensive training, assessment, and responsibility system. Collaborative cooperation: Actively maintain open communication with customers, partners, regulatory agencies, etc., enhance transparency, establish a stable cooperation ecosystem based on mutual trust, and jointly maintain a compliant environment.   


3. Comprehensive compliance field construction

Anti business corruption and bribery: Huafukang actively maintains fair market competition, establishes and improves anti business corruption mechanisms, explicitly prohibits any form of commercial bribery, conveys this stance through contract terms, employee manuals, and other channels, and implements strict supervision and auditing. Cross border trade compliance: We closely monitor changes in international trade rules and regulations in the countries/regions where our business is located, ensuring that all import and export businesses comply with WTO rules and trade regulations of various countries, effectively managing key links such as licenses, quotas, and certificates of origin. Financial Compliance and Taxation: Huafukang has long been committed to complying with domestic and international financial regulations, planning fund flows reasonably, and ensuring the transparency and legality of cross-border transactions. At the same time, accurately implement export tax rebate policies to safeguard the interests of the company and customers. Network security and privacy protection: Maintaining network information security and customer management system is one of Huafukang's important development strategies. It uses encryption technology, access control and other means to protect customer data and sensitive company information, in compliance with international privacy protection standards such as GDPR and CCPA. Intellectual property and trade secret protection: Huafukang believes that respecting and protecting intellectual property and trade secrets is an important cornerstone for building a good living environment for enterprises. We establish an intellectual property management system to protect our own and customer intellectual property from infringement, and train employees to respect the intellectual property of others and avoid infringement; Employees are also prohibited from improperly obtaining, disclosing, using, and disposing of trade secrets from others.    


4. Third Party Compliance Management Supplier Compliance:

Huafukang requires all suppliers to adhere to the principles of social responsibility and honest operation, and terminate cooperation with suppliers who do not meet the standards through due diligence and regular evaluation.

Partner Compliance: Huafukang attaches great importance to the compliance management of its partners, incorporates compliance standards into the partner evaluation system, adopts a zero tolerance attitude towards non compliant behavior through review, authenticity verification, and violation reporting mechanisms, and terminates the partnership if necessary.      


5. Reporting and feedback

We have established a confidential reporting channel to ensure the security of information and the privacy of whistleblowers regarding any possible illegal or non compliant behavior of Huafukang employees or partners. Report email: tina@hfkscm.cn


Huafukang Supply Chain Statement: With compliance as the cornerstone, we are committed to building a trustworthy supply chain service network.



Huafukang Supply Chain Compliance and Integrity Statement
Huafukang advocates the talent concept of "people-oriented, understanding, respect, tolerance, and care", caring for the physical and mental health growth of every employee.
  • Supply Chain Salesperson (Sales Business Expansion | Shenzhen Futian District | Priority given to work experience in a supply chain company | 5000 to 10000 yuan/month)

    Job responsibilities:

    Effectively communicate through phone calls, emails, visits, and other means to understand customer needs, seek cooperation opportunities, and develop new customers;

    Visit customers as needed, promote products to customers, and continuously increase product market share;

    Handle various sales affairs, such as business negotiations, contract signing, contract execution, and customer service;

    Job requirements:

    More than 4 years of experience in supply chain import business development, with at least 2 years of experience in business development within the same supply chain company. Work experience in a well-known supply chain company is preferred;

    Familiar with import operations in the domestic electronics industry, familiar with the business models of agency import and procurement, and possessing certain customer resources;

    Able to work under pressure, capable of execution, possessing good business etiquette and negotiation skills;

    Be able to make friends with customers, deeply integrate the company's advantageous projects with customers, and develop into partnership relationships;

    Supply Chain Sales (Sales Business Customers | Shenzhen Futian District | Experienced in Import Business Development in the Supply Chain Industry | 8000 to 15000 RMB per month)

    Job responsibilities:

    Effectively communicate through phone calls, emails, visits, and other means to understand customer needs, seek cooperation opportunities, and develop new customers;

    Visit customers as needed, promote products to customers, and continuously increase product market share;

    Handle various sales affairs, such as business negotiations, contract signing, contract execution, and customer service;

    Job requirements:

    For those without experience in import business development in the supply chain industry, do not invest with more than 4 years of experience in supply chain import business development. Have at least two years of experience in business development in the same supply chain company, and work experience in well-known supply chain companies is preferred;

    Familiar with import operations in the domestic electronics industry, familiar with the business models of agency import and procurement, and possessing certain customer resources; Able to work under pressure, capable of execution, possessing good business etiquette and negotiation skills;

    Be able to make friends with customers, deeply integrate the company's advantageous projects with customers, and develop into partnership relationships;

Recruitment positions

Contact person: Miss Hu

Mobile phone: 18126292478

Email: admin@hfkscm.cn 

Phone: 0755-8526-0269

Fax: 0755-8304-6681

Address: 19th Floor, North Block, Hubei Building, No. 9003 Binhe Avenue, Futian Central District, Shenzhen, China
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The entire 19th floor of North Block, Hubei Building, No. 9003 Binhe Avenue, Futian Central District, Shenzhen
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