China International Import Expo

publish:2024-06-05 16:27:19   views :191
publish:2024-06-05 16:27:19  
The ambassadors of China and Switzerland jointly attended the 7th CIIE Promotion and Exchange Conference held in Stockholm

On the morning of June 3rd local time, the 7th China International Import Expo Promotion and Exchange Conference was held in Stockholm, Sweden. Chinese Ambassador to Sweden Cui Aimin, Swedish Ambassador to China Ou Sicheng, Deputy Director of the China International Import Expo Bureau Wu Zhengping, Secretary General of the Swiss China Trade Commission Elizabeth, Vice President of the Swiss Investment and Trade Commission Asia Pacific Region Qiao Kai, and President of the Bank of China Stockholm Branch Wang Fang attended and delivered speeches.

Ambassador Cui Aimin stated that since the establishment of diplomatic relations 74 years ago, the traditional trade and investment cooperation between China and Switzerland has developed smoothly, and cooperation in emerging fields has been continuously strengthened. Over 10000 Swiss companies are conducting trade with China, and over 600 Swiss companies are investing and operating in China. Both countries attach great importance to technological innovation, sustainable development, and opening up to the outside world, with strong economic complementarity and broad prospects for cooperation. Holding the CIIE is a major initiative for China to open up its market to the world, reflecting China's consistent stance in supporting the multilateral trading system and promoting the development of free trade. It is a practical action for China to promote the construction of an open world economy and support economic globalization. I hope more Swiss companies can use the CIIE platform to further expand the Chinese market, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation between the two sides in innovation, green, digital and other fields, and demonstrate greater achievements in the Chinese market.

Ou Sicheng stated that China is Sweden's largest trading partner in Asia, and Swedish companies are enthusiastic about exploring the Chinese market. The China International Import Expo is an important platform for Swedish companies to explore the Chinese market. I believe that with the joint efforts of both sides, the bilateral economic and trade cooperation between Switzerland and China can continue to develop and improve.

Wu Zhengping said that the CIIE is the best window for foreign enterprises and products to see the Chinese market. The Chinese economy is continuously developing and has a huge market space. China is willing to share the growing market opportunities with the world. Foreign enterprises actively participated in the 7th China International Import Expo, with over 900 companies signing contracts to participate. As of now, the contracted area of the 7th China International Import Expo Business Exhibition has exceeded 310000 square meters, and the progress is faster than in previous years. This fully demonstrates the affirmation and confidence of foreign enterprises in China's economic development and the CIIE, and hopes that more and more Swedish brands and products will expand their influence and sales in China through the CIIE, achieving mutual benefit and win-win results.

Elizabeth stated that the CIIE is an important platform for Swedish companies to develop in China. Swedish companies participate in every edition and have gained a lot. The Swiss China Trade Commission will continue to actively support member companies to participate in the 7th CIIE.

Qiao Kai stated that despite the challenges posed by the global economy and geopolitics, Sweden's exports to China increased by 7.8% against the trend last year, with over 600 Swedish companies conducting trade and investment activities in China, covering the Asia Pacific and global markets. The Swedish Trade and Investment Agency will actively organize Swedish enterprises in fields such as intelligent manufacturing, consumer goods, and healthcare to participate in the 7th CIIE.

Wang Fang stated that as a strategic partner of the CIIE, Bank of China is deeply involved in the preparation of each CIIE. The Stockholm branch of Bank of China will continue to support Swedish enterprises to participate in the CIIE and explore the Chinese market, achieving mutual benefit and win-win results.

This event is jointly organized by the China International Import Expo Bureau, the Chinese Embassy in Sweden, the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai), and the Swiss China Trade Commission, with the assistance of the Stockholm Branch of Bank of China. Kang Wen, Commercial Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Sweden, attended the exchange meeting.

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