A successful conclusion! The first International Cooperation and Development Forum on Data Trade Circulation in 2023 was successfully held!

publish:2023-11-10 00:00:00   views :121
publish:2023-11-10 00:00:00  

On the morning of November 8, 2023, the first International Cooperation and Development Forum on Data Trade Circulation was successfully held in Shanghai. On site experts gathered, with representatives from government leaders, international organizations, domestic and foreign associations, renowned experts, scholars, and entrepreneurs attending. Focusing on topics such as the automotive industry chain, international agricultural product circulation, and cold chain supply chain, a special seminar was held on "green digital trade circulation". The International Supply Chain Cooperation City Initiative was launched to showcase the achievements of digital economy and modern logistics, as well as best practice cases, and to fully promote the construction of an industrial chain supply chain security management system.

This forum is hosted by the International Cooperation Center for Material Circulation of the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and co organized by Shenzhen Huafukang Supply Chain Co., Ltd., China Logistics and Purchasing Federation Big Data Branch, and Xinxi Culture Media (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

At the meeting, representatives such as the former Deputy Secretary of the Party Group of the Supreme People's Court and Vice Yuan Jiang Bixin delivered speeches at the forum. In addition, leaders, experts, and enterprise representatives from the General Administration of Customs, the Ambassador of Armenia to China, Sri Lankan officials in China, the Hebi Municipal Government of Henan Province, and the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing also gave presentations and shares on topics such as international supply chain, digital trade, and cross-border trade. During the forum, a project signing ceremony was also held, and cooperation agreements were signed with China Railway Construction International Group Co., Ltd., China Electric Power International Development Co., Ltd., etc. to empower the high-quality development of green data trade.

As a co organizer of the first International Cooperation and Development Forum on Data Trade Circulation, Huafukang Supply Chain sincerely wishes the forum to continue to be better and better. We will take this forum as a new starting point, seize the opportunity, gather strength, and contribute more to the development of the industry with better quality supply chain services. The journey is long, creating new glory.

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